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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1807
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2025 .18 .7756
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 18،
number In Volume 2،
issue Number 108
Comparing the content of power in the Tarikh-i Bayhaqi and Marzban-nama with the theory of Michel Foucault
Parisa Mosaffa , Narges Asghari Govar (Author in Charge), Ali Ramezani
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: By analyzing literary texts according to Michel Foucault"s theory, is known the content of power in society and its effect on governance. n this article, have been examined the book "Tarikh-i Bayhaqi" which was written with the aim of historiography of the Ghaznavid government in accordance with the historical reality, and the book "Marzban-nama" which is an imaginary allegorical text with the purpose of moral teachings. This review is about the content of power in punishing criminals and war with enemies, and has been analyzed the influence of power relations in governance.
METHODOLOGY: The information of the article has been collected by library study and have been compared books of "Tarikh-i Bayhaqi" and "Marzban-nama" based on Michel Foucault"s theory of power. The article is written in a descriptive and analytical way. The statistical population is the book "Tarikh-i Bayhaqi" and the book "Marzban-nama", edited by Khalil Khatib Rahbar.
FINDINGS: In "Tarikh-i Bayhaqi", Sultan Masʽud rules as the supreme power, and in "Marzban-nama", the kings are in the position of supreme power. According to the theory of Michel Foucault, the findings of the research show: the content of power in the two books is different. In the Tarikh-i Bayhaqi, the function of power in the society of the Masʽud I era is associated with the discourse of sovereignty. But in Marzban-nama, the kings rule with wisdom. In punishing criminals and war with enemies, they consult with the government and finally act according to the opinion of the court and the vote of the crowd and defeat the enemies.
CONCLUSION: Power in the Tarikh-i Bayhaqi is based on the discourse of domination and the use of corporal punishment and the tyranny of voting in war, finally was defeated Sultan Masʽud. But in Marzban-nama, power is with the discourse of wisdom and it is the generator of morality, and finally it is the generator of justice and peace for the society and it has caused the defeat of the enemies.
Tarikh-i Bayhaqi
, Marzban-nama
, Michel Foucault
, Power
, Punishment
, War
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